

I bought these army boots at a military antiques shop in my first week at university and they were pretty much the most painful thing in the world.

According to the shop owner, these boots (which are now miraculously comfortable) were unworn army issue from the Seventies. Considering the way they have aged - ie only on the left boot, has me feeling either really sorry for the soldiers with one trench foot or slightly mugged off by Mr Pastimes.

The man who works at Pastimes is one of the best shopkeepers I have ever come across. Perhaps legitimately, the owner seemed to think I was a chump because I was less into regiments than trying on old shoes, commenting on how all old soldiers look like heroes and pestering him with optimistic queries about the price of antique union jacks with canon ball shaped holes.

I would definitely recommend a visit to this shop whether you're a fan of clothes, antiques or the military because it sincerely feels like stepping back in time, despite smelling suspiciously like the trench experience at the Imperial War Museum.

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